Judge John Bates

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 08.06.18

* You know your client sucks when...: This weekend, President Trump admitted on Twitter that his eldest son's 2016 Trump Tower meeting was held to "get information on an opponent," not to discuss "a program about the adoption of Russian children," as he'd dictated in his son's earlier account. His lawyer, Jay Sekulow, then had to walk back a statement he'd made earlier to get in line with Trump's comments, because "over time facts develop." [Daily Beast] * A federal judge has ruled for the second time that the Trump administration’s decision to end the DACA program was unlawful, referring to the DHS’s reasoning as “a hodgepodge of illogical or post hoc policy assertions.” Not only that, but the judge ordered that DACA be restored. Ouch. [National Law Journal] * In other immigration news, a federal judge has rejected the Trump administration's request that the ACLU locate deported parents for reunification with their children, noting that "for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanently orphaned child, and that is 100 percent the responsibility of the administration." [USA Today] * Dean Elizabeth Magill of Stanford Law School will be leaving her job at the end of the upcoming academic year to become the provost of the University of Virginia. Stanford will begin the search for her replacement in September. [The Recorder] * After news of the class of 2017’s success in the job market comes last month’s loss of 2,100 jobs in the legal sector. Sorry ‘bout that, class of 2018. For those not entering Biglaw, you better hope those were all administrative jobs. [American Lawyer]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 04.25.18

* The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments today on the Trump travel ban case. What's at stake here, aside from the high court potentially allowing the travel ban to become permanent? The legacy of the Roberts Court also hangs in the balance. A decision upholding the ban could very well be the next Dred Scott, Plessy, or Korematsu, and forever marring this Court's record. [Take Care] * Is AG Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the investigation into Michael Cohen, or isn't he? According to the DOJ, Sessions isn't involved in any investigations "related in any way to the campaigns for president," but according to news sources, he hasn't decided to recuse himself from the Cohen probe quite yet. [Politico; Bloomberg] * Judge John Bates of the District of Columbia has ruled that the Trump administration's decision to end the DACA program was "arbitrary and capricious" and "virtually unexplained," and therefore "unlawful." Judge Bates ordered that the government must not only continue DACA, but accept new applicants. He stayed his ruling for 90 days to give DHS a chance to explain itself. [Washington Post] * Kyle Duncan, President Trump's fifteenth federal appeals court nominee who's known for litigating disputes involving voter ID requirements, same-sex marriage bans, transgender bathroom access, and the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate, was very narrowly confirmed to the Fifth Circuit. [Big Law Business] * According to the Harvard Law Women's Law Association, there's a glass ceiling at the school. The faculty is "overwhelmingly male," and the administration is "turning a blind eye" to the success of women once they're enrolled. Something has to change so women can achieve as much success as their male classmates. [Harvard Law Record]